Saturday, August 10, 2013

A Sweet Treat

Zazzle now offers Jelly Belly Candy tins.  I have just started to add some designs to my store.  What designs of mine would you like to see on the new candy tins?

Here are a few of my newest candy tins.

Color Twirl Jelly Belly Candy Tins
Color Twirl Jelly Belly Candy Tins by angelandspot
Browse Abstract Candy Tins online at

Bunnies Candy Tins
Bunnies Candy Tins by angelandspot
View more Rabbit Candy Tins at

Thursday, August 8, 2013


Zazzle now offers watches for sale.  I am just starting to add some watches to my store.  What types of my designs would you like to see on watches?

Here are some of the watches already in the store.

Bald Eagle Watch
Bald Eagle Watch by angelandspot
Find more Angelandspot Watches at Zazzle

Color Twirl Watches
Color Twirl Watches by angelandspot
Check out Abstract Watches online at zazzle