Sunday, December 20, 2009

More Free Textures

Here is the fifth in my series of freebies for artists. These textures/stock images are free for your use. DO NOT harvest them for resale or claim them as your own. Thank You. I'd love to see what you can create with them. Please link back to the texture if you use any of them. Thanks. Sorry this post is so long. This will be the last freebie post for awhile.

Just click on the image to go to the image page where you can download a larger size of these files for the use in your art.

star texture


Skating Rink


Free Texture


River Texture


Birds On Snow Covered Roof

free to use chicken

4 men vintage photo

Captain The Old War Horse

Figaro Salt Ad Washington,IA

Barn Swallow

free to use wildrose

free to use queenanne'slace

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