Sunday, August 29, 2010

New Items

After having difficulties uploading images for the past two weeks I was able to get several images uploaded yesterday so I have a lot of new items in my Zazzle store now. Here I will show just a few of the new items.

Scotch card
Scotch by angelandspot
Design your own ""cards on

I just realized I better get busy making Halloween items as I have recently started selling this card in the past few days. I don't have that many Halloween designs available so I need to get some more designed.

I also have it over at Zazzle in a couple of different styles all shot on the same day. They were some of my Muscovy ducklings last fall that are now grown up and raising ducklings of their own. Muscovies are the best ducks. They are great egg layers and excellent at eating insects around the farm.

Duckling Halloween card
Duckling Halloween by angelandspot
See more ""cards available at zazzle